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Photo: WE


Marty Leenhouts
Materials: High Density Urethane
Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc.
Selling Price: $13,995

Artist Statement:

WE picks up where YOU left off in 2020. This rotating 32-sided polygon symbolizes the Earth. Every facet has been hand-carved. The viewer is encouraged to think about the billions of interesting people in this world and how each individual has been uniquely created. In a way, similar to the individually created panels on the sculpture.

The artist would like to thank the following businesses for help in the creation of WE: J. Neubert Welding, D & K Powder Coating, and Rustoleum.

Photo: Marty Leenhouts

About Marty Leenhouts

Marty Leenhouts is an artist, entrepreneur, instructor and author. His preferred mediums to express his work are wood and high-density urethane. He is the founder of, and Red Barn Retreats located in rural Blue Earth County, Minn. As a classroom teacher for 30+ years, he refined his teaching skills, and today he puts them into practice in workshops, multi-day classes and online instructional videos. He is the author of Chip Carving Essentials, A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Chip Carving. He and his wife, Shelley, have been married for 39 years.