Artist Statement:
There is something about a toad that makes it seem humorously cute. Protruding eyes, bumpy skin that is surprisingly soft to the touch and oversized webbed feet add to its allure. All of these features seem an unlikely combination that somehow fits perfectly together in a way that only Mother Nature can conjure. I decided to elaborate on all the toad’s attributes with a “twist” to make it even more comical.

About Christine Knapp
A professional sculptor since 1992, Christine draws upon worldwide travels to inspire her art. Collectors in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, and throughout the United States have purchased her bronzes.
Memberships include:
Signature member, Society of Animal Artists, American Women Artists, Artists for Conservation and the Susan K. Black Foundation which awarded her the coveted Rose Award in 2017. She also teaches sculpture for The Susan K Black Foundation and Schreiner University, Kerrville, Texas. Recently commissioned for several monumental bronzes for Na Aina Kai Botanical Gardens in Kauai, Hawaii and a larger-than-life elk bronze for the City of Golden, Colorado, her focus is to illustrate by emotion the common bond humans share with the animal kingdom.
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