2016 Walking Sculpture Tour

Treasure Tower
Artist Statement:
Treasure Tower is one in my series of conical towers which explore the intersection between natural structures (trees, rocks, plants) and human built architecture. Visitors are invited to open the small doors and touch the items inside. Enjoy Treasure Tower on many levels – as an abstract linear sculpture which casts curious shadows at different times of day, as a celebration of light and color, and as an invitation to play.

About Gail Katz-James
Gail Katz-James is a Minneapolis artist who transforms steel and recycled objects into sculptures. She holds a BA in East Asian Studies (Japan) from Yale University and an MFA in Textile Arts from UC Davis (1996). The Japanese minimalist aesthetic, traditional textile processes, and a love of pattern and repetition continually influence her artwork. She is a 2016 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. Her permanent commissions include the Minnesota Children’s Hospital in St. Paul; Minneapolis Arts Commission; Arts on Chicago, Pillsbury House; and Minnesota Children’s Hospital Minneapolis. Katz-James has show her work in temporary public art exhibits solo, and group shows.