2017 Walking Sculpture Tour

Artist Statement:
The sculpture Stegacrane, made of iron and steel, was influenced by trains, cranes, and Stegosaurus dinosaurs. I’ve created a whimsical three wheeled crane using parts from old farm machinery. The plow parts welded to the vertical portion of the sculpture give it a dinosaur appearance. The way I’ve triangularly connected the wheels gives the sculpture a cow kicker appearance. And the vertical portion, with cable and hook, account for the crane influence.

About Tim Cassidy
Timothy Cassidy was born in St. Paul and currently residents near New York Mills, MN. As a child and throughout his school years, art was always a favorite subject. In 1993, while an undergraduate at the College of Associated Arts in St Paul, he discovered that his calling is sculpting, and he was hooked on welding the first time he struck an arc to steel. His thesis project, Ultimate Violation, is a mixed media sculpture that incorporates welding, casting bronze and iron, simple forging techniques and even some wood carving. This sculpture is displayed at the National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown, ND. Tim won first place for sculpture at the 1997 Minnesota State Fair, the first time he exhibited there. His second solo exhibit was in 2007, with the ten sculptures of the Structure MM series and several others inspired by them. Tim’s sculptures are influenced by steel’s industrial and historical usage; he likes to invoke a sense of wonder and start conversations about how steel is part of our collective history.