Rain Caller
Wendy Myhre
Materials: Bronze
Selling Price: $18,000
Artist Statement:
Champion of Impossible Dreams. Rising from a sea of tears, she asks for pure water from the skies to save her friends. But the Rain falls where it will and when it chooses.

About Wendy Myhre
Born in upstate New York in the time of Truman, raised in St. Paul, Minnesota, high school in Idaho, college in Portland, Oregon, corporate at the Chicago Board of Trade, Art Schools in New York City, brief stint in Connecticut, then 25 years on Long Island in regional theatre till moving back to Idaho to shepherd her mother through dementia, and thence to Sioux Falls, South Dakota where her sister taught the process of casting art in bronze and where she night have stayed happily if it weren’t for the darn blizzards so she moved to Arizona.