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Photo: Pele


Sayaka Ganz
Materials: Scrap Steel
Selling Price: $100,000

Artist Statement:

Sayaka states, “This sculpture was born out of a fire. The fire completely burned down a small auto shop sharing a wall with the maker space I belonged to in 2020. Over 90 percent of the materials used for this piece came out of the pile of rubble that I climbed, one week after the devastation. I expected to feel devastated and sad, but instead I was struck with inspiration. The destruction was already complete, and all that was left in its place was new possibilities. The horse represents the power of regeneration and forward movement. I named her “Pele” after Pele, the goddess of fire and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands.”

About Sayaka Ganz

Sayaka Ganz was born in Yokohama, Japan and grew up living in Japan, Brazil, and Hong Kong. She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Indiana University, Bloomington, and a Master of Fine Arts degree in 3D Studies from Bowling Green State University.

Using discarded metal and plastic objects, Sayaka’s most recent sculptures depict animals and natural elements in motion with dynamic energy. She describes her style as “3D impressionism”, creating an illusion of solid form using plastic objects as brush strokes that become visible upon observation from close proximity. Since 2017 her traveling exhibition “Sayaka Ganz—Reclaimed Creations” has been shown in 16 venues across the United States and is booked for four more through 2025.