2016 Walking Sculpture Tour

Artist Statement:
Download is part of the Structure MM series of sculptures I was making around the turn of the millennium. Download is influenced by the Capella Tower in the Minneapolis skyline. It is also influenced by iron melting cupolas and it has a rocket feel to its appearance. Download appears to have just landed and is emptying its cargo out of the bottom.

About Timothy Cassidy
Tim Cassidy was born in St. Paul in 1967 and currently resides near New York Mills, MN. As a child and throughout his school years, art was always a favorite subject. In 1993, during his undergraduate career at the College of Associated Arts in St. Paul, Cassidy discovered that sculpting materials was his calling. He was hooked on welding the first time he struck an arc to steel. Cassidy’s thesis project, Ultimate Violation, is a mixed media sculpture that incorporates welding, casting bronze and iron, simple forging techniques, and even some wood carving. The sculpture was chosen to be displayed at the National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown, North Dakota, where it still resides. Winning first place for sculpture at the 1997 Minnesota State Fair was definitely an honor, as it was the first time Cassidy ever exhibited at the fair. In 2007 he had his second solo exhibit and was so pleased because he had set a personal goal to complete ten new sculptures and show them all together in a gallery setting. Cassidy finished the ten sculptures of the Structure MM series (and several others that were inspired by them) and had quite a show.