2017 Walking Sculpture Tour

5 Cultural Pedestrians
Artist Statement:
Cultural Pedestrians is a series of freestanding concrete and steel pieces that visually represent different cultures of past and present people from our society and others. The pieces are human-sized and, just like us, the whole is made up of parts. Each of us is a multi-faceted compilation of smaller fragments of our thoughts, experiences and aspirations. The parts are not uniform but instead diverse, not derived from a single time nor a single place.

About Sue Quinlan
Sue Quinlan’s work explores how artifacts can help people connect with universal human experience and explore its personal meaning. Her fusion of cultural icons illuminates the connection we all share, including our joys and struggles with ubiquitous events like birth, death and human relationships These same ideas have compelled people throughout time and were frequently expressed through their art. Sue’s use of artifact imagery reminds each of us of the many constants in the human drama.