Artist Statement:
YOU was the the 2020 People's Choice Award winner. Minnesota artist Martin Leenhouts received a $1,000 prize for the award.
As YOU look in the mirror, be reminded that our world consists of a wide variety of individuals, as unique and diverse as the shapes and designs all around your reflection.
About Martin Leenhouts
Marty Leenhouts is an artist, entrepreneur, instructor and author. His preferred mediums to express his work are wood and high-density urethane. He is the founder of, and Red Barn Retreats located in rural Blue Earth County, Minn. As a classroom teacher for 30+ years, he refined his teaching skills, and today he puts them into practice in workshops, multi-day classes and online instructional videos. He is the author of Chip Carving Essentials, A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Chip Carving. He and his wife, Shelley, have been married for 39 years.